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Focus Skill: Equivalent Fractions and Adding/Subtracting Fractions

Equivalent Fractions


How do we find equivalent fractions in fourth grade? Multiply or divide the numerator AND the denominator by the SAME number. 

Source: Mandy Neal, Teaching with Simplicity. Retrieved from

Students have been practicing find equivalent fractions using fraction pieces, pictures, and number lines! 


Fraction Tiles!

Source: Author Provided.

Have you been hearing your child talk about using fraction tiles? Fraction tiles are a math manipulative we have been using at school to learn about equivalent fractions. These tools can be very helpful to grasp the concept of equivalent fractions. Let me know if you'd like to borrow a set for home! Here's a link you can use to explore fraction tiles! 

Math in Action!

This week students synergized to create equivalent fraction smoothies! Their toppings were equivalent to the fraction found on their smoothie cup. They did an excellent job! 

Source: Author Provided

Earlier this week students were given a bunch of fraction puzzle pieces. They found equivalent fractions and put the pieces together! This was quite a challenge, but they did awesome! I was very pleased with their hard work and grit! 

Source: Author Provided

Adding Fractions

Fourth graders are expected to be able to add fractions with the same denominator. 

Retrieved from

Subtracting Fractions

Your child also is expected to be able to subtract fractions with the same denominator.  Remind them when they are adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator, the denominator NEVER stays the SAME! 

Retrieved from

Up Next: Adding and subtracting mixed numbers!

Source: Deb Hanson, Crafting Connections. Retrieved from